Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A woman's work is never done!!

Attention all Mommys!!! I have proof that all those months of carrying your baby and the labor and of course who can forget the sleepless nights, acutally do pay off eventually! Here is it!!! drum roll, please!

You can actually teach them to do housework!! Here's little Hazel loading the dishwasher after dinner tonight, BTW, my child is not a towel head, that is a twisty towel for drying your hair after it's been washed. This was just too cute to not have a picture of. This has become her nightly chore. She also dusts the furniture! Hazel actually enjoys doing her chores, especially on payday!

Even though she helps out with little things here and there Mama still has lots to do!! Thanks for your help Hazel!!!


Anonymous said...

LOL, she looks like a 1950s housewife. Cute.

Caroline said...

Hazel, rock on with your showered self. That's awesome. Maybe I can get Wesley started early!