Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The weekend!!!!

Well, we did fine during the storm, we only lost power for 15 minutes. We didn't even get much rain just mostly wind.

Anyway, my mom and I had the duty of babysitting my niece over the weekend. Her parents went out of town without her for the first time, and she's almost 3!! I went and picked her up from my Mom's house on Saturday afternoon and she spent the night with us. Boy what a handful she is!! It made me really happy that I decided not to have that second child! Especially after I took her and Hazel to the Children's museum on Sunday. We had a wonderful time with her, she has such a sense of humor. She says and does the funniest things! One of my favorites of the weekend was when she got in my car she said "I'm about to burn up Aunt Lissa!" Then she woke up in the middle of the night coughing and I was trying to get her back to sleep and decided I would rub her back, as soon as I stopped she says "Aunt Lissa rub my back more!" I thought that was totally cute! Kaylee's Aunt Lissa loves her very very much!!!!! Here are a few pics from our trip downtown to the museum.


Anonymous said...

I have an "only", too. After babysitting my nephew all summer I was BEAT! But of course it is always different when it's YOUR kid. I'm sure it wouldn't be so exhausting, or at least you wouldn't notice it.

Anonymous said...

oh, and I think someone is clogging on America's Got Talent. But they aren't wearing clogs, though. ?

Rachel said...

Awww that's soo cute...kids love to have their back rubbed LOL