Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Blankie!!

First of all, I'd like to say thank you to for coming up with "Writers Workshop Wednesday". What an excellent idea!! I've had writer's block for several weeks now.

Oh my dear sweet blankie that's now in three pieces. Yes I said 3 pieces!! I slept with this thing until I was at least 13, and the only reason why I stopped was because it was falling apart!!! I do mean falling apart. There's no telling how many times I asked my Mama to sew it back together. It is called "piggy blanket." Why piggy blanket you ask?! Because it has the three little pigs on it. I wish I had a scanner and I could post the old polaroid of me around six months old with this blanket hanging out in my swing with me!! Since I can't post that pic I will post one that I took today of "piggy blanket"

So you see I did not tell a lie, it's REALLY in 3 pieces and looks just pitiful!! You can barely make out what it's supposed to be. It actually has the 3 houses, one of sticks, one of straw and one of wood with the little pigs of course.

Also, just to add something else in, my daughter also has a beloved blankie. She calls it "kankie", she has toted this thing since she was 6 months old. Ok, I must admit that this is the 2nd kankie, the first got lost when she was about 4 years old but this one serves the purpose. She still talks about the one she lost! BTW, Hazel will be 7 years old on Friday!!!!

Thanks again to for the wonderful idea!!


Caroline said...

Piggy Blanket is so cute! Looks a lot like Boobie (if you haven't read my post yet, that's my blanket), not my actual boobie. I can't believe you ratted out Hazel and her Kankie. I had no idea that kankie #1 had gotten lost. How sad, but I'm glad she actually let you replace it and has become attached to kankie #2.

Rachel said...

My daughter has her "blankie" too. My girlfriend purchased a Little Giraffe blanket when she was born and I loved it; it was soo soft; I put it on my daughter every night; I dreamt she would enjoy it as much as me; now she is 3 and has to take it everywhere; you have to put the silk side up and fluff it up (she shows you how to do it) it doesn't look pretty anymore but she has to have is good!

Los said...

The blankie will always remind me of Mr. Mom ... watching that movie when I was like 8 or 9 made me want a Woobie!

Glad to see you still have it!

Anonymous said...

Cute story! I never had a special blanket, but my brother did, and it was like gold to him! He loved that thing! I really like your blog and I am gonna add you to my blog list to follow. I am so glad mamakat had this linking idea, it's hard to browse the plethora of blogs and find ones that you like. This was perfect!

Rhonda said...

That is one loved piece (or pieces) of material!! lol

My daughter has her teddy. She forgot it once in a hotel, and she FREAKED (she was 10,now 11) and the hotel was kind enough to send it priority post at THEIR expense so that she had it the next night. My brother bought it for her when she was 3 and she has adored it every since!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are entered into the contest! Be sure to check back tomorrow...

KatBouska said...

Awww! My daughter has a blanket that's starting to shred up too. I hope I can keep it together for her!!

And I love that your own daughter followed suit and has her very own blanket too!!

Kayla, Nic, Paige, Ellie and Maddy said...

I love your story. Your daughter is just the cutest!

Rhonda said...

Hey Mel. You won the Pay It Forward Contest. Stop on over, okay?

T said...

Now that is some blankie love! My 2year old is attached to her blankie "honey"! It must go everywhere with us! I love that you still have your blankie!

Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

Your daughter is sooo cute. Dame age as my oldest son. That blanket.... that blanket is a pitiful thing though. Never had a blankie but I did have a pillow that I kept until I had my second, maybe third child. With a little coaxing from my hubs, I finally got rid of it. He kept throwing it off the bed because he said having a pillow that old was nasty.